COL (Retired) Michael A. Lockwood

Michael A. Lockwood is a retired U.S. Army Colonel whose nearly four-decade career began as a private and climinated with five years at the Pentagon. He served in Desert Shield / Storm alongside his wife, Kim, who was also an army captain. Michael also saw service in Operation Joint Endeavor in Hungary and Operation Iraqi Freedom in Kuwait.

While stationed at Fort Campbell, KY, in the early 1980s, he was a member of the Screaming Eagles Command Parachute Team. He later became an Army Salvage Diver. He earned his commission through the Washington State Officer Candidate School in Camp Murray, Washington.

After a foray as a small business owner, Michael returned to service with the army as a contractor, working for the Army Strategic Education Program at the Army War College.

Colonel Retired Lockwood holds a master’s Degree in Transportation Management from American Military University and a master’s Degree in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College

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To order the book “L.I.A.R (Love is Always Right)”, please visit the Order page on our website.

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The author specializes in romance, Christian, and sci-fi genres.

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